Recycle these items at Pocahontas County Landfill (374 Landfill Road, Dunmore, WV):

  • Cardboard - flatten boxes and remove all packing materials - no charge

  • White Goods (refrigerators, washers, dryers, etc.) - no charge
    • Refrigerant must be removed from appliances before they are brought to the landfill.

  • Electronics (all types of electronics are accepted) - no charge

  • Tires - $210 per ton for businesses or individuals who cannot use the DEP's Free Tire Trailer
    • The WV Department of Environmental Protection has set a tire trailer for citizens' use at the landfill.  A valid WV Driver's License is required to drop off up to 15 tires free.

Other Recycling Resources:

Plastic shopping bags are accepted by some retail stores for recycling.

For more information on recycling, visit the West Virginia Solid Waste Management Board's website at and the Recycling Coalition of West Virginia at

Ideas for reducing waste:

  • donate unwanted items to charity
  • purchase items with less packaging
  • reduce junk mail by removing your name from mailing lists
  • utilize things that can be reused many times (like cloth grocery bags) instead of disposable ones
  • buy recycled or recyclable products
  • compost yard waste and food waste